Category Archives: marriage problems

Could This Opportunity Really Transform Your Marriage?

YES!! With 60+ workshops, the 2021 Wives of Integrity Online Conference could be amazing for [...]

Wives of Integrity Conference is Coming!

As a wife, do you want some encouragement? Do you want to know you are [...]

Who is the Slacker in Your Marriage?

I know. It’s not you. Or maybe it is. The more likely truth is both [...]


Have You Considered an 80/80 Marriage?

Months ago, Dr. Nate Klemp, Phd, reached out to me to talk about a new [...]


What is Your Sexual Truth in Your Marriage?

Matthew West’s song “Truth Be Told” has wrecked my heart as of late. It is [...]


3 Ways to Agree on Sexual Frequency in Your Marriage

In all my years of speaking and writing on sexual intimacy in marriage, I have [...]


Will You Invest in Your Intimacy in 2021?

Will you invest in your intimacy in 2021? What does that look like for the [...]

Do You Shame Your Spouse for Wanting Sex?

This can be such a raw place for a husband and wife. One spouse desires [...]


Enrich Your Marriage One Small Choice at a Time

Recently, I have been making some choices to better my health. Further down in the [...]