Category Archives: marriage problems

Wives, THIS Conference Could be a Game Changer in Your Marriage

I hear from wives regularly who want solid biblical insights that are relevant to their [...]

Go-Giver Marriage Book Bound to Transform Marriages

What an impactful read “The Go-Giver Marriage” book is. I was familiar with the book [...]

Better Sex in Your Marriage in 2022? YES!

It’s been forever and a day since I last blogged. November and December were a [...]


3 Reasons I Recommend Married Sex Book By Gary Thomas and Debra Fileta

Always on the lookout for solid resources on sexual intimacy in marriage, I was excited [...]


Exclusive Content on Intimacy in Marriage Could Be Yours. Interested?

Wouldn’t it be nice to receive some nuggets of insight on intimacy? You know, just [...]

Ready for Better Sex in Your Christian Marriage?

As I look back over my nearly two decades of marriage and I see the [...]

If You Get My Blog Posts Via Email…

For years I have offered a Feedburner option whereby you could receive my blog posts [...]

When Did You Learn Relationships Matter?

What a crazy question that is. I mean, clearly relationships matter. But when did you personally [...]

When We Do Well Beneath the Sheets, We Do Well on Our Feet

I recently shared I similar line in a post at this link. I can’t resist unpacking [...]