Category Archives: authentic

Healthy Sexual Vulnerability Doesn’t Happen Overnight

How sexually vulnerable are you with your spouse? Are you able to be transparent about [...]


Why Reconnecting Sexually After You’ve Been Apart is Good for Your Marriage

If you read my blog yesterday, you know I’ve been away visiting my family in [...]


We Look Back Over a Lot of Lifetimes

I’ve been on vacation in Colorado visiting family. Coming back to the town where I [...]


3 Attitudes to Make You Sexually Happier

I am blessed beyond blessed that my dear friend and fellow sex blogger champion J. [...]


Are You a Good Steward of Sex in Your Marriage?

I definitely was not a good steward of sex in my first marriage. And there [...]

Want Some Tips on Surviving and Thriving During the Pandemic?

There is still time to register for a free online summit coming up July 27-30. [...]

My Posts on Sex that Were Crazy Popular…

Do any of the below post titles resonate with you? They struck a chord with [...]

You Won’t Want to Miss This FREE Online Summit

Recently I was invited to speak on an online summit on Surviving and Thriving in [...]

What’s Your Take on Make-Up Sex?

I don’t think I’ve ever written about make-up sex. What?!  Good news! I have two [...]