Category Archives: authentic

Are You a Higher Drive Wife?

If you answered yes to that question, then hear my heart on this…you are not [...]

What are Your Biggest Sexual Roadblocks?

As I was pondering the best way to offer up some encouragement on sexual intimacy [...]


Want a Stronger Marriage? Consider This…

If you are like most married people digging into marriage blogs, books and websites, it’s [...]

10 Reasons Christian Marriages Slowly Die (And What You Can Do About It)

I know most of these reasons could be said about why any marriage slowly dies, [...]


20 Amazing Marriage Resources for ONLY $1 EACH. Yes, You Read that Correctly.

Many of you follow me because you are looking for ways to grow more intimately [...]

Have You Seen This Marriage Resource Bundle?

Even in these tight economic times, it just makes good sense to keep investing in your [...]

No Cost Expert Advice: Marriage Masterclass 7/13/22

Hello everyone! I wanted to jump on and do a quick post about a free [...]

Wives: Unlock Your Orgasm!

If you struggle having an orgasm or even if you simply want to better understand [...]


If You Shoot Video on Your Phone, Don’t Miss This FREE Online Workshop!

Hey ladies! Do any of you own businesses or use video you shoot on your [...]