Wives: Unlock Your Orgasm!

If you struggle having an orgasm or even if you simply want to better understand the beautiful way God designed your body, I highly recommend Bonny Logsdon Burns’ book “Unlock Your Orgasm: Through a Christian Lens.” (aff. link)

I am fortunate to have known Bonny for years as a fellow Christian wife and advocate for healthy sexual intimacy in marriage. She’s a rock star! And she has a tremendous heart for encouraging women in their marriages. Her book is a must-read for any Christian wife who wants to embrace sexual passion and connection with her husband to the fullest.

The book is a deep dive into common physical, mental and spiritual reasons women struggle experiencing sexual pleasure, as well as real strategies and solutions for moving beyond those roadblocks.

You all know I am a big fan of mutuality in the marriage bed, where a husband and wife grow in appreciation for giving and receiving pleasure. I think countless couples are missing out on all that sex can be to their relationship. Too many married couples have accepted mediocre or skewed intimacy as the standard in their marriage. Bonny helps us see that it doesn’t have to be this way.

Husbands, this book is a worthy read for you as well, as an intentional way to better understand your wife’s heart and body.

Full of relevant scripture, the book offers a clear and compassionate view of God’s design for sexual pleasure in a woman, as well as His heart for redemption and healing over the painful and heartbreaking experiences in a woman’s life. Regardless of your sexual experiences to this point or any trauma committed against you, I believe this book has something to offer you.

“The bedroom was never designed to be ‘husband-centric.’ It was designed for both spouses to feel connected, desired, and pleasured.”— Bonny Logsdon Burns, “Unlock Your Orgasm”

You are worth investing in. You are worth learning more about your body and your sexual response. “Unlock Your Orgasm” definitely can be part of that journey!

To find the book on Amazon, check out my link (aff).  I also recommend The Orgasm Page on my site, which is full of many great blog posts about sexual pleasure.

And be sure to learn more about Bonny by checking out the podcast Sex Chat for Christian Wives, which she does with three other awesome Christian advocates for healthy sexual intimacy. Bonny also is a coach and advocate for women seeking to overcome the devastating effects of sexual betrayal. Find out more about her coaching and resources at Strong Wives.

Copyright 2022, Julie Sibert. Intimacy in Marriage Blog. Links may be monetized.

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