Getting Real Talking about Orgasm!

I was humbly blessed that Personal Relationship Coach Dana Che of Real Relationship Talk invited me to be on her podcast!

It sure did get real, as we talked about sex, orgasm and enjoying authentic intimacy in marriage.

You can jump right to our conversation by going to this link.

Dana is a kindred spirit to me, as we felt comfortable from the start. We knew we could have talked for hours about this topic of authentic sexual intimacy in marriage. Seriously! Hours!

But we narrowed it down to 30 minutes for your listening pleasure. I encourage you to listen to the episode AND follow Dana as well.  You can check out her website Real Relationship Talk and find her on Facebook @therealrelatioshiptalk and Instagram @realrelationshiptalk.

If you want to strengthen your marriage and the intimacy in it, there are so many resources to help you do that.  I often tell people that there is no better time than now to be a Christian looking for solid resources to enrich a marriage. So. Many. Great. Authors. and Speakers!

Definitely add Dana to your list of people worth following!

Copyright 2022, Julie Sibert. Intimacy in Marriage Blog. Links may be monetized.

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