A Winner! Great Book Giveaway!

Today I mailed the 10 sex and marriage books in my Great Book Giveaway to [...]

VIDEO: Becoming Sexually Uninhibited in Your Marriage

Shannon Ethridge and I had a great conversation about growing in sexual confidence, overcoming shame [...]

VIDEO: Cultivating Sexual Intimacy in Your Marriage

As some of you know, I recently spent time with friend Shannon Ethridge, also a [...]

Hear Me Talking on the Radio about SEX!

On Oct. 2 I had a great conversation with Dr. Joanne Conaway on Power Hour [...]

Imprisoned by Your Sexual Inhibitions? Want to Break Free?

I’ve been thinking about sexual inhibitions. And the problems they create in a marriage. Maybe [...]


New Book to Help You Awaken Love and Nurture Sex in Your Marriage

Today’s post comes from Ruth Buezis, another champion for healthy sexual intimacy in marriage!  She [...]


Great Book Giveaway! 10 Sex and Marriage Books to ONE Person. Be Sure to Enter.

*** UPDATE 10/15/18 *** I have drawn a winner of the Great Book Giveaway! Once [...]


Sexually Confident Couples Workshop. Could This Be For You?

I was fortunate to recently spend three days with my friend Shannon Ethridge, another amazing [...]


Scheduling Sex Worked for This Couple. Maybe It Could Work for You.

I recently received the below email from a woman who knew that if sex was [...]