Hear Me Talking on the Radio about SEX!

On Oct. 2 I had a great conversation with Dr. Joanne Conaway on Power Hour Radio about sexual intimacy in marriage. It was so good!

I’m grateful for Dr. Conaway and her willingness to champion this conversation.

It’s definitely something on which we need authentic dialogue, and that’s what you’ll hear in this interview.

Many of you have asked to hear me talk, so here’s your opportunity! There are ads intermingled with the radio program, but don’t let those deter you from listening. Trust me — the conversation happening between the ads is worth it!

You have a couple of options if you want to listen to the archive:

1. You can listen to the below MP3



2. Go to the archive webpage at this link, where you can download the file.  Below is a visual of how you get to the archive:


For more reading, cruise through my list of past posts. as well as my page with a bunch of posts on orgasm.

Copyright 2018, Julie Sibert. Intimacy in Marriage Blog. Links may be monetized.

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