What’s Your Go-To Sex Move That Your Spouse Loves?


go-to-sex-moveThe beautiful thing about you and your spouse truly learning each other sexually is you figure out what each of you really loves sexually.

What’s your go-to sex move that your spouse loves? It’s not that it’s the only move, of course, but there’s just something about that one thing you do and that one thing they do.

If you are reading this thinking, “Hmmm. I’m not sure. I’m not sure if there is something I do sexually that my spouse loves monumentally more than the other things I do sexually,” that’s okay! This just means there is room for discovery and communication.

You could come right out and ask your spouse. “Is there something I do when we are making love that just drives you wild in a good way? A touch or something I do with my body or a position?”

Or maybe it’s a way you initiate sex or something you do during foreplay. 

Another approach is to try new touches, techniques or approaches and then ask for feedback. “I want to know if you enjoyed…”  “Would you want me to do that again?”

Now let’s turn the tables. What is it that your spouse does that significantly turns you on? Have you communicated to them how much you enjoy this? Is it something you crave every time you have sex? Is it something that is a sure thing, so to speak?

As an advocate for passionate sexual intimacy in marriage, you will hear me occasionally talk about variety and trying new positions and techniques. And I am game for all of that—spontaneity and spicing things up and adding adventure!

But I also give credence to the way a husband and wife master specific lovemaking skills and touches that they each love.

It is beautiful and erotic and tender when a husband and wife have found what they each thoroughly enjoy about sex and are able to bring that kind of knowing to their sexual encounters on a regular basis.

What’s your go-to sex move that your spouse loves? If you don’t already know, take the time to find out.

For more reading, you can cruise through my list of past posts, as well as my page with a bunch of posts on orgasm.

Copyright 2020, Julie Sibert. Intimacy in Marriage Blog. Links may be monetized.

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2 thoughts on “What’s Your Go-To Sex Move That Your Spouse Loves?

  1. Susan says:

    What a great question! There are different choices, but the top of the list is definitely when he decides it’s time to “unleash” when we’re making love doggy style.

    We’ll be at this steady and lovely pace, and then he’ll softly ask, “Are you ready for it?” I’ll nod and then let the pounding commence! It’s INCREDIBLE.

  2. Pingback: Sexy Posts Worth Checking Out

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