The Arousing Power of Tingly Touch


the-power-of-tingly-touchI’ve been thinking a lot about touch.

And then a dear friend and I were talking about this exact thing. We were saying how caresses that aren’t blatantly sexual can still be soooo sexual because they are tingly—even tantalizing, as my friend said.

Her exact words? “It’s super relaxing and arousing and tantalizing in certain areas.”

I could not agree more, sister.

Sadly, we often don’t devote enough time to this type of touch. Or we don’t explore it on our spouse’s entire body? I’m not sure. But it can play a vital role not only in getting in the mood for sex, but also in thoroughly enjoying the sexual encounter to the fullest.

Touch can help relieve stress. And so can sex! It’s no wonder that when you start to appreciate touch more, the sex is bound to be more relaxing as well. Or maybe it’s that the extra attention to tingly touch leads to a more intense climax—and it’s the feeling after that intense pleasure that’s so relaxing.

At any rate, let’s hear it for tingly and tantalizing touch. 

If you are not overly used to either touching or being touched in this way, what works best? Here are my helpful suggestions that you and your spouse could discuss:

Light rhythmic caresses with your fingertips and/or fingernails all over your spouse’s body usually will do the trick.

Pay particular attention to the arms, back and legs. And here’s the truly important part—don’t rush.

Spend ample time during foreplay touching this way. Spend ample time, my friends! And then a little more time just for good measure. You won’t be disappointed either in being turned on or in turning your spouse on.

Make the effort to explore your spouse’s entire body. My guess is their moans of happiness will help you learn where they most like to be caressed, so make a few mental notes along the way. Better yet, ask your spouse where on their body it is most relaxing and arousing for you to touch them. Interestingly, I don’t think the genitals always get top billing in this regard. 

There’s just something about the sensitivity of our skin on certain areas of our body that can be so responsive to touch. You’ll only really know these areas if you explore your spouse’s body and welcome their feedback.

There is arousing power in tingly touch. Don’t miss what it has to offer your sexual intimacy. Remember—spend ample time!

For more reading, you can cruise through my list of past posts, as well as my page with a bunch of posts on orgasm.

Copyright 2020, Julie Sibert. Intimacy in Marriage Blog. Links may be monetized.

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