Sex After My Brazilian Wax!


sex-after-a-brazilian-waxAs promised, I wanted to do a follow-up post about sex after my Brazilian wax. If you missed the first post, you can check it out at this link.

In talking with the aesthetician who did my wax, I asked about reasons people have a Brazilian wax, and she said she had never heard more enjoyable sex as a reason. This surprised me a little, because I had heard this from a few people.

Without getting too detailed, I will say Randy and I definitely found some aspects of sex after a Brazilian wax to be super arousing! Because it was my first wax, though, it is hard saying how much of that heightened arousal was because it was all new to us?! I’m not sure.

The feel during sex obviously is different, not to mention his access during foreplay. We definitely had fun!

Would I do a wax again? I would for sure. But my reasons would not solely be for the sexual benefits. I can see where waxing is way better than shaving for swimsuit season, and the feeling of cleanliness and bareness I have found enjoyable.

Would I do it every 4-6 weeks? Probably not. For me, I can see it as an occasional thing to add some variety (and, of course, for swimsuit season!)

What about all of you? If you have had a Brazilian wax, did you keep getting them? And what did you find to be the benefits you enjoyed the most?

For more reading, you can cruise through my list of past posts, as well as my page with a bunch of posts on orgasm.

And I have a 5 video series available on building better sex in your marriage. Great way to invest in your marriage!  You can find out all about it at this link:  Better Sex in Your Christian Marriage.

Copyright 2020, Julie Sibert. Intimacy in Marriage Blog. Links may be monetized.

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4 thoughts on “Sex After My Brazilian Wax!

  1. Troy says:

    Awesome! Thanks for the follow up! I get the “newness” aspect but, maybe have another follow up or two to see if it is still pleasurable enough to add to the list of reasons for doing this routinely. Have fun with it!

  2. Pingback: Baring it All: My Positive Brazilian Wax Experience!

  3. David says:

    Everyone has their exciting preferences,

    My spouse and I do enjoy the feel when we are both smooth. Orally speaking, she loves the attention as it is more sensitive to ultra soft “feathering” on both lips, opening and her clitoris.

    We don’t opt to have it done routinely, but once every 5 or 6 months as we don’t want it to become a “chore”.

    From the time she gets waxed and allows the hairs to grow, she looks fantastic in her intimate region. The intimacy is extremely pleasurable (including oral) all the way to the day my she gets waxed when she decides it’s time for a “fresh” start, 6 moths later.

  4. Miranda Thomas says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts! I’ve heard this time and time again and I believe you mean it. Do you mind if I share this blog to a friend of mine?

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