The Hungry Hippos Box Reminds Me of Sex

I am not a woman of unlimited talents, but hey… I do finally know how to get the Hungry Hippos game back into its original box.  Sounds easy enough, right?  Wrong.  At one point I was thinking, “Who are these people at Milton Bradley and why do they hate me?” (Trust me…the words “easy storage” are printed on the box, but I’m convinced it’s a sick sort of taunt! Ha!)

So what does getting the Hungry Hippos game back into its original box have to do with sex? Plain and simple…don’t give up on things that don’t come easy.  Great sexual intimacy takes effort, a willingness to try (and try again), and a willingness to learn.  There are many great resources out there, and I often encourage women:  Glean, Glean, Glean.

In other words, no matter what resource you come across, you will find some aspects that don’t jive with your theology or don’t mesh with your particular circumstances.  Don’t miss the nuggets of gold, though. Figure out the tips and insights that DO apply and let go of the rest.  When it comes to sex, we need to be lifelong learners.  We never stop learning how to be married and we never stop learning how to foster authentic sexual encounters.  That’s true for the newlyweds and true for the couples who married long ago! Some things that look easy…or even that someone tells us are “easy”… actually take intentional effort.

On another note, I want to give a shout out to Paul Byerly (The Marriage Bed and The Generous Husband). His wife Lori also blogs on a site called The Generous Wife.)  Paul has made some great comments on some of my posts, including my recent post about teasing.  Thank you Paul!   Another comment on that post, from Scott, asks if women like to be sexually teased (with follow through of course).   What do think gals?  Any of you have insight on this?  When your husband sexually teases you as part of foreplay and anticipation of things to come, do you find this arousing?

Copyright 2010. Julie Sibert. Intimacy in Marriage Blog.

3 thoughts on “The Hungry Hippos Box Reminds Me of Sex

  1. Kurt Stecker says:

    I love your insight. There is not a married couple in the world who wouldn’t benefit from your thoughts.
    God gave us this wonderful gift of sex yet so many have failed to find the joy and pleasure that is waiting for them.
    It’s not as hard as rocket science and a lot more fun.

  2. Paul Byerly says:


    Love what you are doing. Seems at least one of your tips makes it into my weekly round up each week. My audience is men, but I point out posts they might want to pass on to their brides – and those that they need to see to understand things from a woman’s perspective.


  3. JulieSibert says:

    Thanks for the comment Paul! I think good communication and a willingness to really learn what arouses each other is so important for husbands and wives. As a woman who speaks with many women, I will add that this is particularly true because of the difficulty many women have with reaching orgasm. While many couples may find it embarrassing or awkward to share what is arousing, it is this kind of feedback that can lead to such great breakthrough… where both the husband and the wife genuinely are enjoying sex.

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