Will You Be Naughty and Nice With Your Beloved?


naughty-and-niceI’ve written you all a Christmas poem to inspire some good cheer and sexual fun.

May you and your spouse not be overcome by the details of the season, but rather keep everything in perspective. What matters most are the relationships we nourish.

Some genuine and vulnerable sexual connection can do wonders! Enjoy…

You’ve tied the last ribbon.
You’re through with the prep.
Now it’s time to relax…
To connect and reflect.

And maybe…just maybe..
You’ll get kids in bed.
You’ll read them a story.
Say, “Goodnight, sleepyhead.”

In the quiet of the house…
Peace will abound.
Sneak away to your room…
Without making a sound.

Close that door quietly.
And turn that sweet lock.
Unless it’s a crisis,
Ignore any knock.

Draw close to each other.
Remove all those clothes.
Pull back those sheets.
Go where love goes.

Maybe you’ll be naughty?!
Maybe you’ll be nice?!
You can’t have too much…
Of some sugar and spice!

So savor these moments.
Feed your desire.
Kiss with deep passion.
Make love till you tire.

This is your Beloved…
The one by your side.
Arousal is a gift…
For a groom and a bride.

With a turn of the page,
Christmas will fade.
But naughty and nice?!!
Those can stay!

For another poem of inspiration, don’t miss J’s ‘Twas the Intimate Night Before Christmas.

Copyright 2020, Julie Sibert. Intimacy in Marriage Blog. Links may be monetized.

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4 thoughts on “Will You Be Naughty and Nice With Your Beloved?

  1. A says:

    An Assumption is being made that this encouragement will bring the results that both man and wife will have their desires met. I’ve heard of couple getting divorced for no other reason then ” my partner does not fulfill my needs.” They start to wonder thinking I could get better else where. It’s an old trick I’m sure most couples have had them. In my mind and it’s probably an assumption. It’s only in my mind but I believe you need to struggle for love at least 25 years before the contentment of your desires start to be fulfilled.

  2. B says:

    Contentment in my desires. That’s the key. I’d say I started to be content about 12 years ago. That’s when things started to change for the better. So how do you wreck a marriage? Do what comes natural and blame someone else. Start thinking if only and just keep brewing discontentment. So are you going to be naughty or nice both work in a marriage. Nice is patient and kind. Naughty gets very interesting. We are very private people don’t have many people to tell about how naughty we have become. Nobody would suspect us of naughty things. Is it the wife or the husband that gets these naughty ideas? Maybe both? When you’ve been married long enough to laugh at failures and start learning to be grateful with success. So go ahead and let your imagination dream up some nice naughty fun.

  3. A says:

    I’m the only comment made? Couldn’t be. You probably get naughty nice stories and wonder if its appropriate to post? We have learned to monitor the line approach. The line is the line it’s how we live a greatful life without being shamed about what’s acceptable in the marriaged sex life. We are finding more and more ways to pleasure each other. Its naughty and nice..

  4. Don says:

    ‘Twas the night before…(well, it’s EVERY night, now that I think about it) and all thru the house,

    Her utter rejection makes me feel like a louse.

    The kid’s off to college, couldn’t leave fast enough;
    She needs me no longer and god**mn that’s tough.

    Work is a nightmare, humiliating daily,
    They treat me like a reptile, all slimy and scaly…

    I’d love to write more but it’s time to get some sleep and besides I can’t see to write anymore; there’s something wet in my eyes.

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