Fellow Marriage Champions Paul and Lori Byerly


paul and lori byerly JSI could have titled this post “Fellow Marriage Champions Paul and Lori Byerly … In the Flesh!”

But this is a blog about sex.

So a headline like that could REALLY be misinterpreted, right?!

In all honesty, I am super excited I recently had lunch with Paul and Lori, who were on their way through Nebraska as full-time RV adventurers.

We hung out for a couple of hours, talking about everything from life to kids to mission to ministry to marriage (and, of course, sex!)

I give a lot of credit to these two, who were trailblazers in the world of Christians writing authentically about sexual intimacy in marriage. Seriously. Trailblazers!

They began in 1997 with their blog The Marriage Bed, and eventually added The Generous Husband, The Generous Wife and The XY Code.

I shared with them that years ago, when I was just beginning to blog, a friend of mine said to me with much enthusiasm, “You have to check out this site called The Marriage Bed. It’s about sex! And it’s by this couple who are Christians.  It’s so cool!”

She was right.

Who would have thought I would eventually get a chance to meet them and call them friends?!

I highly encourage you to visit Paul and Lori’s sites and learn from their wisdom, because these two are the real deal.

They have hearts for genuinely encouraging marriages, and they speak openly about what it takes to build intimacy (sexual and otherwise!)

Here’s to you Paul and Lori. THANK YOU again for the camaraderie as we speak hope and truth into countless marriages!

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Copyright 2015, Julie Sibert. Intimacy in Marriage Blog. Links may be monetized.

6 thoughts on “Fellow Marriage Champions Paul and Lori Byerly

  1. Paul Byerly says:

    Hi friend,

    As we told you, you were one of the first bloggers doing this we found who is still doing it. Anyone can do this for a year, but doing it for a number of years takes effort and dedication. Thanks so much for all you have done for marriages and sex lives in the last 5½ years!

  2. Scott says:

    Jenni and I had the priveledge of meeting these two trailblazers over lunch in Atlanta a few years ago. I hope their RV route will bring them to the southeast again!

    I agree with you about the significance and great impact their ministry has had on so many for over so many years. Thank you Paul and Lori!

  3. princevinco says:

    Yes, I quite agree, Paul and Lori are GOD.S generals as far as issues of marriages are concerned. Their marriage programmes and articles are touching lives and are blessings to multitudes. I am bold to say that I personally receive inspirations from their articles.

  4. Pingback: A Different Kind of Sexual Wetness: Candid Discussion about Female Ejaculation | Intimacy in Marriage

  5. Pingback: Generous Wife Shares Generously About Great Sex in Marriage | Intimacy in Marriage

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