If You Want to Hear Me Talking About Sex…

solutions-not-problemsAwhile back, Belah Rose of DelightYourMarriage.com asked to interview me for her podcast.

What a genuine person this woman is!  This conversation felt like sitting with a friend, talking honestly about marriage and sex — and what it takes to build intimacy that lasts.

I really respect her and didn’t hesitate being a part of her podcast.  (I jump at any opportunity to speak authentically about sex! You know this about me?!!)

Want to hear me share about my journey and why I’m so passionate about sexual intimacy in marriage?

Here is the link to part 1 of our conversation…

Yes Julie, I Would Like to Listen!

And if you want to hear me talk even more about sex, I am doing a women’s only session during an online Christian conference about sex June 6.

Even if you can’t listen live, you will get the recording.  Just click on the below image to register today:

sex without sheets conference











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Copyright 2015, Julie Sibert. Intimacy in Marriage Blog. Links may be monetized.

3 thoughts on “If You Want to Hear Me Talking About Sex…

  1. Bob says:

    This looks really good! Is there somewhere I can see an agenda for that event? Would be nice for planning purposes for those of us with kids 🙂

  2. JustWant2BOne says:


    Thank you soooo much for advertising this conference.I saw it awhile back, but really didn’t think my husband would go for something like this or want to spend the time or money on something like this. I am really excited that you are going to be a part of it!! I don’t think my husband is very interested in it, but I have been sending him some texts to him about the conference. Our intimate life really needs to change. I often feel it’s more about him and that there’s not a whole lot benefiting me, HOWEVER, prayers are being answered and he is finally starting to think more about my needs, wants, and desires that I have been asking for FOR YEARS only to be turned down and rejected. FOR YEARS, he wouldn’t even touch me below the waist due to some issue on his part, but that has slowly been changing. Your website has really helped me as a woman to see that God didn’t design sex to just be for a husband’s enjoyment only and I have been fighting battles in the bedroom and down on my knees in prayer that my husband would see how selfish he has been in denying me my God given right to experience the joy of marital bliss in experiencing a climax with my husband. I am grateful to God for answered prayers and for a heart change in that my husband is now wiling to pleasure me too where he hadn’t before. I hope he will be at least willing to listen to some of the audio recordings with me if he or I am not able to view the live conference. That’s what’s soooo wonderful about this conference as even if you can’t watch it live, you aren’t out the cost of the conference and can still benefit from the audio recordings. Thanks so much for your ministry, Julie, as I know I’m not the only woman you have helped see some things in a new and different light. Sex and intimacy IS important in my marriage and I tend to get a little down in the dumps and depressed when for whatever reason it’s not on a regular or consistent basis. God bless you and your ministry, Julie.

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