31 Days to Great Sex? Only $4.99! (Or Free?!)

Now I have your attention, don’t I?

My pal Sheila Gregoire has come out with a new eBook, 31 Days to Great Sex, and it’s only $4.99. (You have an opportunity to win a FREE copy, so keep reading).

The eBook is all about nurturing sex in marriage, so you know I am a fan.

Sheila and I are very like-minded on this TRUTH that married couples should be enjoying and speaking positively about SEX.

Can you imagine if she and I and a few of our fellow marriage blogger gals could sit on a beach some day and just come up with idea after idea on how to help marriages sexually?!

Sounds like a dreamy vacation to me.

In the meantime, Sheila has written this fabulous eBook on 31 Days to Great Sex.

It’s only $4.99 people.  That’s like what you would spend on a Venti latte at Starbucks!

I receive $2.50 of each copy sold from this post here, so maybe I’ll be buying a cup of coffee or tea for my Beloved —  but, more importantly, the more copies sold, the more marriages nurtured.

Your marriage is worth at least what you spend on a cup of good coffee, right?!

Of course it is! Honestly, even if you don’t feel that way right now, the truth is that your marriage is worth investing in.

I asked Sheila to share a little about this book and her passion for the topic.  (A bonus for you… You get to hear someone else talk besides me. She’s a Christian wife who values sex, so she’s a lot like me. Only more published. And doesn’t live in Nebraska.)

As for the FREE copy of the book?

Simply make a comment on this post about WHY it is so important for Christians to speak in favor of nurtured passionate sexual intimacy in marriage.  At 9 p.m. (CST) Saturday, Nov. 24, I will randomly draw a number and whatever comment matches up with that number will be the winner.  *** UPDATE ***  Winner of the book in the random drawing was commenter #12… Heather Ratliff! Congrats Heather!

Now back to Sheila… here are my questions and her responses:

What would you say to a wife who has the perspective that sex is just for her husband…that it’s not really something vital to her as well?

Many, many women feel like that. I know I did when I was first married. Sex was uncomfortable for me, and the more he wanted sex, the more I felt he didn’t really care about me or love me.

But I kept seeing and hearing all these women talk about sex as if it were a good thing. And I thought: why is it that they enjoy it and I don’t? How come I’m losing out?

And that’s what it is. Losing out. God promised us an abundant life, and that includes an abundant marriage in the bedroom. If your husband doesn’t have that, you’re not just shortchanging him; you’re shortchanging yourself.

You were created for pleasure. You have a body part (the clitoris) whose only purpose  is to make you feel wonderful! Not even men have that. For them every body part is dual purpose.

And sex wasn’t just designed to make you feel physically rapturous; it also makes us feel intimate with our husbands. It makes us feel close. It makes us laugh. It even helps us to sleep better!

So if you’re just too exhausted for sex; if you’re sick of him pestering you; if you can’t figure out what all the fuss is about; take a deep breath and tell  yourself: “I may not understand how great sex is right now, but I know that God meant for it to be great. And I’m not going to stop until I figure out how that’s actually possible!”  Because it is, ladies. Don’t lose out on it.

What would surprise my readers about your book 31 Days to Great Sex?

A lot of it doesn’t take place in the bedroom! Sure there are quite a few challenges on how to make sex feel great. But when sex has become blah, the answer usually isn’t in the bedroom–or in a sex toy shop.

The answer usually comes through more communication, through more emotional vulnerability, even just through more shared laughter! What I keep hearing over and over from readers is, “You finally helped us TALK about all of this stuff!” So yes, there are plenty of steamy days.

But what really helps couples, I think, is the time dedicated to making this area of your life much richer.

If you had one sentence to tell my readers what sex means to a marriage, what would that sentence say?

Billions of people have had sex; I’m not sure how many have actually made love. I hope through this 31 Days to show people how amazing–physically, emotionally, and spiritually–making love can be. (Oops, that’s 2!)

Invest in yourself and in your marriage.  It’s only $4.99.  You never know… it could be one of the best investments you’ve made in your marriage in a long time…

31 Days to Great Sex! 

Copyright 2012, Julie Sibert. Intimacy in Marriage Blog.

58 thoughts on “31 Days to Great Sex? Only $4.99! (Or Free?!)

  1. rbee says:

    Because God okays being “intoxicated” w/your spouse sexually & we have the freedom to live life in freedom because of grace.

  2. Kim says:

    If Christians don’t talk about sex and the gift that it is between a husband and wife then only “the world ” view on sex will be talked about and carried out. For the sake of our marriages and future generations we need to share about one of the most important aspects of marriage, sexual intimacy.

  3. WH says:

    The church is to blame, in my opinion, for the lousy state of marital sex. At least the churches I have attended don’t talk about sex, except to have long sermons aimed at MEN and porn, rather than elevating sex to the level it’s supposed to be. Does anyone think Julie’s husband is going to have a problem with porn or an affair? Nope! And why is that? Because she values her exclusive time with her mate. I’ve never heard a single sermon preach the benefits of sex like she does, all the church does is tell the males to quit looking at porn. I’ve never heard them tell wives the role THEY play in fidelity. Never heard the church equate a refusing spouse to a cheating spouse, which I do. Julie should be preaching and doing seminars.

  4. David W. Newton says:

    My wife and I have been married 17 years. Our sexual relationship is non-existent. We are both Christian, and attend church regularly. I have a much deeper relationship with Jesus then my wife does. We are both receiving disability and we have three children in the home I believe that your book would be greatly helpful in saving our marriage. However, we live day to day on very little money. The cost of your book is equal to a gallon of milk. With three children in the home, a gallon of milk would have to come first. I have prayed about this, and I am asking you how I can obtain a copy of your book, which I believe could possibly save our marriage, without having to pay for it? I pray daily that God would save our marriage, and they have done so for years. Is there anyway possible you could send me a free copy of your book? After tithing at our church, we have only enough money left to pay our bills and buy groceries. Can you, will you, please help?

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