31 Days to Great Sex? Only $4.99! (Or Free?!)

Now I have your attention, don’t I?

My pal Sheila Gregoire has come out with a new eBook, 31 Days to Great Sex, and it’s only $4.99. (You have an opportunity to win a FREE copy, so keep reading).

The eBook is all about nurturing sex in marriage, so you know I am a fan.

Sheila and I are very like-minded on this TRUTH that married couples should be enjoying and speaking positively about SEX.

Can you imagine if she and I and a few of our fellow marriage blogger gals could sit on a beach some day and just come up with idea after idea on how to help marriages sexually?!

Sounds like a dreamy vacation to me.

In the meantime, Sheila has written this fabulous eBook on 31 Days to Great Sex.

It’s only $4.99 people.  That’s like what you would spend on a Venti latte at Starbucks!

I receive $2.50 of each copy sold from this post here, so maybe I’ll be buying a cup of coffee or tea for my Beloved —  but, more importantly, the more copies sold, the more marriages nurtured.

Your marriage is worth at least what you spend on a cup of good coffee, right?!

Of course it is! Honestly, even if you don’t feel that way right now, the truth is that your marriage is worth investing in.

I asked Sheila to share a little about this book and her passion for the topic.  (A bonus for you… You get to hear someone else talk besides me. She’s a Christian wife who values sex, so she’s a lot like me. Only more published. And doesn’t live in Nebraska.)

As for the FREE copy of the book?

Simply make a comment on this post about WHY it is so important for Christians to speak in favor of nurtured passionate sexual intimacy in marriage.  At 9 p.m. (CST) Saturday, Nov. 24, I will randomly draw a number and whatever comment matches up with that number will be the winner.  *** UPDATE ***  Winner of the book in the random drawing was commenter #12… Heather Ratliff! Congrats Heather!

Now back to Sheila… here are my questions and her responses:

What would you say to a wife who has the perspective that sex is just for her husband…that it’s not really something vital to her as well?

Many, many women feel like that. I know I did when I was first married. Sex was uncomfortable for me, and the more he wanted sex, the more I felt he didn’t really care about me or love me.

But I kept seeing and hearing all these women talk about sex as if it were a good thing. And I thought: why is it that they enjoy it and I don’t? How come I’m losing out?

And that’s what it is. Losing out. God promised us an abundant life, and that includes an abundant marriage in the bedroom. If your husband doesn’t have that, you’re not just shortchanging him; you’re shortchanging yourself.

You were created for pleasure. You have a body part (the clitoris) whose only purpose  is to make you feel wonderful! Not even men have that. For them every body part is dual purpose.

And sex wasn’t just designed to make you feel physically rapturous; it also makes us feel intimate with our husbands. It makes us feel close. It makes us laugh. It even helps us to sleep better!

So if you’re just too exhausted for sex; if you’re sick of him pestering you; if you can’t figure out what all the fuss is about; take a deep breath and tell  yourself: “I may not understand how great sex is right now, but I know that God meant for it to be great. And I’m not going to stop until I figure out how that’s actually possible!”  Because it is, ladies. Don’t lose out on it.

What would surprise my readers about your book 31 Days to Great Sex?

A lot of it doesn’t take place in the bedroom! Sure there are quite a few challenges on how to make sex feel great. But when sex has become blah, the answer usually isn’t in the bedroom–or in a sex toy shop.

The answer usually comes through more communication, through more emotional vulnerability, even just through more shared laughter! What I keep hearing over and over from readers is, “You finally helped us TALK about all of this stuff!” So yes, there are plenty of steamy days.

But what really helps couples, I think, is the time dedicated to making this area of your life much richer.

If you had one sentence to tell my readers what sex means to a marriage, what would that sentence say?

Billions of people have had sex; I’m not sure how many have actually made love. I hope through this 31 Days to show people how amazing–physically, emotionally, and spiritually–making love can be. (Oops, that’s 2!)

Invest in yourself and in your marriage.  It’s only $4.99.  You never know… it could be one of the best investments you’ve made in your marriage in a long time…

31 Days to Great Sex! 

Copyright 2012, Julie Sibert. Intimacy in Marriage Blog.

58 thoughts on “31 Days to Great Sex? Only $4.99! (Or Free?!)

  1. Vanessa says:

    I believe this is an important topic. Many married christains dont seem to talk about this or maybe invest time to improve in this area. So resources like this is awesome!

  2. workinprogress says:

    It is so important for Christians to speak up about healthy sexuality in marriages because otherwise, all we have is the world to educate us. Christian women are left to either figure things out for themselves or rely on porn-bordering web articles to give them advice.

  3. Lindsay Harold says:

    I really enjoy Sheila’s blog. It is important for people to speak out about marital intimacy. Too many struggle with this issue and are afraid to ask for help or don’t even know where to find help. It’s good to have books and websites that can help couples have the God-glorifying intimate marriages that they were meant to have.

  4. Bri says:

    I think it’s important for Christians to speak about marital intimacy because the media seems to be pushing the idea that only unmarried “adventurous” couples have great sex. The idea is that settling down is accepting that you will only have sex on special occasions.

  5. Kristine McGuire says:

    I think it’s important as Christians to talk about sex and intimacy in marriage because the subject is still so “taboo” in many churches. The problem is couples are learning about intimacy through what culture has to provide rather than the beautiful gift it’s intended to be by God.

  6. Tancy says:

    Christians NEED to be speaking up! Satan is destroying what God made to be a picture of the relationship between Christ and the Church! Let’s get mad and fight back! Let’s quit messing up the picture! For us! For our kids! For the world!

  7. shavonne auguste says:

    i believe this is a very important subject because i feel many marriages lack this in communication with eachother. I believe that if we talk about it we will lack less. Communication is key!

  8. Suzie says:

    I think it’s important because it’s something that God created for just a husband and a wife to enjoy together. Many churches don’t put much (or any emphasis) on the importance of sex in marriage because it’s such a taboo subject.

  9. Michele ºÜº says:

    People get the idea that Christians think sex is sinful because we refuse to engage in sex outside of marriage and we don’t really talk about it much. Truth is, God made sex and it is a vital part of a healthy marriage, AND something to be enjoyed inside of marriage with your spouse.

    I’m soooo glad I have found some wonderful Christian marriage bloggers recently and hope I win the free book! 🙂

  10. Steve says:

    The two most important places sex should be taught are at home, by the parents, and at our churches. Both are at fault for the rampant ideas our culture has about sex in marriage. We must teach the truth and stay focused on God’s perfect design for married sex.
    Religion and Satan have killed more sex lives than about anything else.
    Thank you Sheila for stepping up and shining a bright light at married sex and how awesome it truly is.

  11. Laura Heatwole says:

    Sex was created by God, so who better to speak on it than Christians. Also We as Christian women seem to be in the dark on some of these very important issues.

  12. Heather Ratliff says:

    I read Sheila’s Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex and would love to hear what else she has to say.

    Sex is something that just isn’t talked about enough. Even in our MOPS group, we just don’t talk about the one thing that can make our marriages better.

  13. Rachael says:

    I once had a conversation with the single gal next door. She was telling me what she liked about having sex with her boyfriend. There was little to no emotion involved. She thought sex was all about the physical. I introduced the idea that sex is about way more than just the physical, that there is an emotional and spiritual part, too. I wish she’d heard that message before me, before she just gave herself to the next boy who paid attention to her.

  14. JHollyhock (aka Jennifer H.) says:

    It is important for Christians to speak in favor of nurtured passionate sexual intimacy in marriage because we have been taught that it does not exist, that we have to go elsewhere to find it. We need to know we can find it in our marriage.

  15. Nicole McDonald says:

    It’s crucial because the only exposure to sex that we really get is from Hollywood and the media! Very unrealistic and near impossible to compete with. And as Christians we tend to just ignore the subject altogether! I wish I had this in the first year of my marriage! Would have saved a lot of heartache!!!

  16. julie says:

    We hear so much negative about sex from the Christian world. I think it is time for us to share the truth about one of God’s greatest gifts within marriage! God created sex and it is good!

  17. Kim Hawkins says:

    Maybe I will get lucky! Tee Hee! Sex is a vital part of marriage and it’s even recommended in the Bible. So there, get married and enjoy the desires of the flesh. This is where it’s permitted!

  18. scott says:

    It is important to speak up about appropriate Biblical sexual union because our culture has found itself in a wilderness of arid, empty, and destructive sexual activity. Sex is holy gift, the unique means of complete loving service with your spouse. No other event in life can capture the same essence of unity and service, an event that can be repeated in growing love and service.

  19. Dave R says:

    I think that one of the reasons (among the many) that it’s so important for Christians to speak “in favor of nurtured passionate sexual intimacy in marriage” is that the world sees us mostly as prudish and uptight and as having a sex for procreation mentality. What an amazing witness to the gospel it is when we proclaim God’s goodness in beautiful, unifying, intimacy creating, hot, passionate sex with the wife of our youth.

  20. Scott says:

    Thanks to both you and Sheila for the heroic efforts to strengthen marriages and families. May heaven smile upon you for your vital work.

  21. Jen says:

    It is so important that we speak in favor of passionate marriage relationship because Christ has set the example for us. We must also show the world that we are not perfect just because we are Christians, but Christ has left us a perfect example in His Word.

    This is an issue that is very personal to me because i struggle in this area. I love to read both of your blogs so that I can help someone else. Thank you for offering this book and for speaking so passionately about it.

  22. Jenn says:

    Abuse from my childhood has recently come back up to haunt me and has put a huge strain on our sex life. I try to always focus on God because I know that the abuse is just a tool Satan is using to drive a wedge into or intimacy and I just refuse to let that happen. God truly is amazing and has given us such a wonderful gift that we should embrace and enjoy!

  23. Linda says:

    For most of my married life books about the role of sex in a marriage seemed to be written by men and from their perspective. I think articles and books showing the critical importance of sex in a marriage, how it is equally nourishing to both husband and wife, and encourages both to enjoy this gift from God fully and frequently, is long overdue. I’m really glad we wives are finally being encouraged to lose some of our ‘good girl’ inhibitions and enjoy this wonderful aspect of uniting with our husbands.

  24. Bree says:

    It’s important for Christians to speak in favor of nurtured passionate sexual intimacy in marriage, because it’s a gift from God.

  25. Kathy Ward says:

    Knowing I have the opportunity to teach my children and grandchildren that sex/intimacy was designed by God to be beautiful. I don’t want them to grow up being told it was wrong dirty and nasty.

  26. nikia babin says:

    I love books that put sex into a more intimate loving perspect. Too many things on tv, internet etc cheapen and make sex dirty!

  27. Jen B says:

    This is an area in which I struggle with a lot! I know that if it’s not addressed the “enemy” will worm his way into my marriage. I can’t wait to read this book!

  28. Teri says:

    It is important for Christians to speak up about sexual intimacy in marriage so that people who struggle with the issue can find a Godly perspective. There are so many lies about sex coming from the world that do not serve us as Christian men and women.

  29. Samantha Bailey says:

    It is important to inform other Christians about being sexually intimate because I feel that several fights in marriages come from not enough sexual intamacy. I am encouraged by this website and hope I can read more about being a good Christian wife to my Husband of 6 months… 🙂 I am still learning what God expects of me.

  30. Erin Michaels says:

    Thank you so much for your dedication to this topic… I’ve flubbed up so many times trying to talk to my husband about it hopefully this book can help!

  31. Laura says:

    I never really understood the bonding effect of sex until my husband and I hit a really busy week where we didn’t even think to make time for sex. We were snippy and irritable with each other, and I felt like the whole thing was crumbling around our ears, which only added to the stress of our jobs at that point. One day we decided we just needed down-time, so we turned off our phones, computers, and anything else job-related, and just had some us time – including lots of play time in bed. I couldn’t believe how much more connected to him I felt! All of sudden, we were on the same team again, he wasn’t out to tick me off, and I actually WANTED to be close to him. What a difference! We do our best to not go that long between tumbles anymore! 🙂

  32. Sidney koranteng says:

    I believe God did not make a mistake in creating sex as part of our constitution. Sex is like spice – makes our lives complete and tasty! All discerning Christians should seek understanding in this area and desire to enjoy it as it was intended.

  33. Christy says:

    It is so important for Christians to talk about this because it is one of the greatest gifts God has given us, yet we are not celebrating it!

  34. Shelly says:

    This has been an issue for my husband and I our entire marriage. We both enjoy the intimacy but with our opposite work schedules we don’t have enough time together. I would love to find ways to connect more with him. We have a great marriage but this could make it even better. Thank you for being willing to share this information!

  35. Jim says:

    We’ve been married over 45 years. About 4 years ago, I discovered the world of marriage blogs such as yours that are safe for Christians. Thx for being such a vital part of our growth! It’s refreshing to learn that sex can be Godly. I love the phrase: “The part created by God specifically and only for a woman’s pleasure.” [: >)

  36. Brad says:

    Both my wife and I came from homes where marital sex was either not discussed, or worse almost looked down on. Yet, it appears to be a driving force to either a great marriage, or a broken one.
    With all the misinformation out there (and I have read a lot) it is necessary for Biblically sound advice and guidance written that will not turn off the one, nor bore the other is a great need.
    From what I have read so far from these ladies, The advice that is needed is right on the mark. Keep it up.

  37. Bonnie L. says:

    It seems that many Christians feel like that’s just something you should never talk about. Young people grow up seeing it only as forbidden….and often times end up thinking it’s dirty. Or they feel like when they get older, and even engaged and married there is no one they can talk to and ask questions about sex. It’s really sad.

  38. Brenda says:

    Intimacy is marriage is a very important topic for Christians to address because the world has it all wrong. We need to stand up, and show the world that our intimacy is that which is of God, and yet at the same time, so much fun, with passionate and fulfillment.

  39. Tracey says:

    Intimacy is a very important part of marriage. Without it you you begin to feel very disconnected from your spouse. If you have children they need to see the intimate part of your marriage where mom and dad hug, kiss, hold hands. It helps model for them what a healthy intimate marriage should look like.

  40. Priscilla says:

    Sex is not a topic that we are comfortable to talk about in our Christian community.Thank God for you to have brought light into this topic and set us free to enjoy this Holy gift that God has given us.May this blog save many Christian marriages.

  41. Laura K says:

    I believe that sexual intimacy in a marriage is an important part of the give and take in marriage. Or it could be thought of as a circle. Nurturing intimacy strengthens marriage because by giving of yourself selflessly your husband is able to feel appreciated and loved. Feeling appreciated and loved causes your spouse to give selflessly in return which strengthens the bond that grows out of loving and being loved. It grows our love and our marriage experience exponentially and it feeds all aspects of our marriage, helping us in difficult times and even day to day so that our relationships never become dull or unimportant.

  42. Becky Culbertson says:

    So many of us grew up in homes where discussing sex was considered taboo, or else it was just uncomfortable. Therefore, when we get married we don’t have a clue about how to talk about it. What would we even say? It is encouraging to know that there are godly women out there who want to help us with that.

  43. Vicki Pearce says:

    Prior to sex…pray ..invite Holy spirit to be there ..then wait..and the sex is the best in your life. The Lord created it and is the only one able to make it holy

  44. chuck says:

    I thank God for wives who “get it,” like mine does. Just today, I am talking with a husband whose wife has decided that she’d rather divorce than have sex. She has spent 20 years avoiding sex, and he has finally said fish or cut bait, and she’d rather leave. That is truly sad.

    Please reach out to as many women as you can with the message that intimacy is the best thing that wives can do to create great marriages.

  45. Josiah Friberg says:

    I’m so glad Sheila’s written this book to help couples develop intimacy in their marriages. Certainly it develops as a result of and combination of love, trust, good communication, and mutually enjoyable and playful sexual foreplay and intercourse. It’s such an important topic that every couple today needs to focus on and make a priority in their marriage. I know the enemy wants to destroy Christian marriages with divorce, but thanks be to God, God has given us the tools to fight for our marriages and make them better. With the help of God’s Spirit, with a commitment to submit to one another and seek to fulfill the needs and desires of the other, marriages can be transformed and become what God intended them to be: havens of love, security, and deep spiritual, emotional, and sexual intimacy.

  46. MamaB says:

    Sex comes at us from every angle. From the time we know the intimacy of our parents hugs, we search for that comfort and physical communication. The lines get crossed, blurred and the emotional physical ties are separated, we think we need sex, not emotional connection. Happy healthy marital relationships, especially parents, need to talk, express, model, show the emotional rewards of a physical relationship bound in the safety of unconditional love. Then the next generation will love for connection, relationship before turning to sex and feeling forever lost because “just sex” will never fill the void that God created for relationship with him and our partner.

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