We’ve Made it to Our 17th Anniversary


17-years-of-marriageWe aren’t exactly running victory laps today, but we are grateful we have made it to our 17th anniversary. Wow. 17 years.

I don’t know where you are in the marriage journey. Maybe you’re just starting out. I could say, “Brace yourself. Some of the years might be super hard.”

But if those hard years come, you’d forget I warned you. Understandably so.

Maybe some of you are where my husband and I are. What is this point in the journey, anyway? Midway?

And maybe some of you have been pros in the marriage big leagues for a long time. Decades upon decades. Cakes and parties and personalized cocktail napkins marking 25 years, 40 years, 50 years and beyond.

But we all start at the same place, don’t we? Not knowing what is up ahead. Not knowing the joys and the triumphs. The deep love and the devastating loss. The clarity and the confusion.

And, of course, there’s that whole aspect of not getting any guarantees. We aren’t guaranteed the 50th wedding anniversary. My best friend lost her husband to cancer only 10 years in. A scan of the news cycle on any given day will tell us countless married couples get a lot less than that.

On my magnetic bulletin board in front of my desk, there’s a black and white photo of my grandparents in their 20s, early in their marriage. I love that picture. A beautiful couple walking down the street, smiling, without a clue of what the years would hold. We can’t stop the clock, but boy if we could. I would stop my marriage on a photo like that.

As I reflect on what I am grateful for in the past 17 years, I find plenty. And I know we can barely comprehend much of it, because it moves along are a pretty good clip—what’s behind us and what’s up ahead of us.

Which, by the way, makes me super glad on this day…this Easter day that also happens to be our anniversary…that I have the assurance of Jesus Christ as my savior. I am humbly grateful for what He did for each of us.

The longer I am married, the more grateful I am for Jesus. What tender redeeming love He has shown.

For more reading, you can cruise through my list of past posts, as well as my page with a bunch of posts on orgasm.

And I have a 5 video series available on building better sex in your marriage. Great way to invest in your marriage!  You can find out all about it at this link:  Better Sex in Your Christian Marriage.

Copyright 2020, Julie Sibert. Intimacy in Marriage Blog. Links may be monetized.

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3 thoughts on “We’ve Made it to Our 17th Anniversary

  1. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations Julie! Our anniversary is next month but we will need to postpone our traveling for our celebration of 40 years due to Covid-19. 🙁

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