Have You Lived Fully TODAY?! Will You TOMORROW?

I admit it.

I have a bit of a writer’s crush on Joy McMillan.

Joy and I connected awhile back, and I reviewed her book XES: Why Church Girls Tend to Get It Backwards … and How to Get It Right.  Fantastic sex book, by the way.

When she asked if I would take a look at her latest book, I was more than happy to say yes.  It’s called Penduka: 21 Ways to Awaken Passion & Purpose in Everyday Life.

I know I’m diverging a bit here from the sex topic, but I think it’s worth it because I like to let my readers know about resources that help them live more authentically and fully.  I believe this book is filled to the brim with nuggets of gold.

If you mine those nuggets, you can transform your life, even by baby steps. Sometimes by big steps.

Mind you, this book isn’t about a quick fix.  It resonates what is true of any book like this — if you want something in your life to look different, you have to be willing to look intimately at your story, own it and see where you need to adjust.

And then you have to actually make those adjustments.

The book is broken into three sections:  PASSION, PURPOSE, and PROCESS.  She weaves anecdotes and practical tips throughout to make the book more applicable.

What I found encouraging about the book is that Joy stays true to her writing style and is willing to be vulnerable about her doubts, weaknesses, and questions.

There’s power in owning your story, and Joy owns hers well — even the messy parts that at times baffle her and other times inspire her.

“Your story isn’t just a past to regret and resent and hide, it’s a brush stroke on a massive canvas that reveals a greater story. As you take your nose from that dark spot you’ve been pressed up against, and step back, you’ll start to see the bigger picture taking shape.”

I will offer a bit of a disclaimer that the book is not a quick read.  Joy covers a lot of ground, and I personally think that’s good if you are ready to figure out what it is personally going  to take to do what the book says — awaken passion and purpose in everyday life.

Joy wisely recognized that a little guidance while foraging through the book would be helpful, so there is a companion study guide titled Wake Up Your Soul.

The book and companion guide will likely appeal more to women, but I never want to box something in too much.  Gals, when you read the book, you may find ways to encourage your husband to live more passionately in his own life as well.

If you’re like me, you read a book with a pen and highlighter locked and loaded, ready to snag the points that genuinely resonate with you and hopefully challenge you.

That’s how I read Penduka: 21 Ways to Awaken Passion & Purpose in Everyday Life.  I’m thinking you’ll read it that way too.

You can discover more about Joy and her various endeavors at Simply Bloom.  This sweet gal is also on Facebook and Pinterest.

Copyright 2016, Julie Sibert. Intimacy in Marriage Blog. Links may be monetized.

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