Great Stuff You Gotta Check Out

Want to know a huge advantage of being a blogger about sexual intimacy?  My in-box is flooded with the posts and valuable tidbits of other marriage bloggers.    Hey, none of us have all the answers.  But collectively… we tackle just about every marriage topic you can fathom.

Sooo… take a ponder… you may find a nugget of gold that revolutionizes your marriage.

One Flesh Marriage by Brad and Kate Aldrich.   They have a unique blogging style in that they often alternate their blogs… Brad will blog one day and Kate will do a follow-up post, and vice versa.  Recently, they let me guest post for them on how waiting for ideal conditions will leave your marriage sexless.

Anonymous8 by Sarah Baron.  This site explores all the topics women talk about with their gal friends (and then a few topics beyond that!)  Sarah is starting a Rediscovering Intimacy series, and I love her first post by Kit of Blogging Dangerously fame.

The Generous Wife by Lori Byerly.  I’ve been particularly fond of the Byerlys for awhile now, because they are just so real.  Man, do we need more of that in the world of Christianity.   Anyway, Lori did this spot-on post the other day about what it means to Respect His Way.  Her husband Paul has a companion blog called The Generous Husband.

Engaged Marriage by Dustin Riechmann. He and several other people with whom I am familiar participated in the Love Everyday e-book. Contributors include Simple Marriage, Project Happily Ever After, Life Gems 4 Marriage, The Marry Blogger, One Extraordinary Marriage and more! It’s free for the taking.  Check it out!

I could go on and on, but frankly, I’d probably exhaust you all with my enthusiasm for these tremendous marriage resources. You all probably think I’m annoying enough, so I’ll wrap this post up.

May today be the day that you stumble upon a fabulous piece of information that rocks your marriage in a good way!  And if you want to share what you found and how it was relevant to your marriage, please comment.  I love comments… it’s like we all get to learn from each other (without having to squish a bunch of desks together and divvy-up a project list).


Copyright 2011, Julie Sibert. Intimacy in Marriage Blog.

1 thoughts on “Great Stuff You Gotta Check Out

  1. Pingback: Protect Your Couple Space and Time | Daily Generous Wife Tips

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