Miscellaneous Sexy Stuff

Awhile back, I mentioned that blogging about sexual intimacy in marriage  is not the easiest trek. The further I venture down this road, though, the more encouraged I am to meet other bloggers committed to the sanctity of marriage. 

So, this is my miscellaneous sexy stuff post… just pointing out a few resources you really should check out.

Let’s start with Stu over at The Marry Blogger.  I love that Stu keeps it real.   He also is doing this cool Top 10 Marriage Blogs thingy.  So, you can vote for me (show me the love baby); or you could vote for your other favorite marriage bloggers.  At any rate, cast a vote.  You have until Nov. 23.

Corey Allan at Simple Marriage just released another eBook called Buck Naked. I was privy to see an early copy, and it is chock full of relevant info that could have a positive impact on your marriage.  Check it out.  Your marriage is worth gleaning from as many resources as possible.

I’ve recently become more aware of Brent Mulberry at Great Date Spot blog.  This man is totally in love with his wife and is encouraging marriages with such great authenticity.   Love his heart.  And honestly, it is totally sexy that he is so in love with his wife.

Sarah Baron at Anonymous8 recently did a post on What Savvy Women Consider Sexy.  She included a quote from me, but I encourage you to cruise around the entire site.  Great stuff out there that will register with you as a woman!  Men visit her site regularly too, so you might clue your husband into it as well.

I have to give a shout out again to Traylor Lovvorn, who guest blogged on my site about how he and his wife restored their marriage after infidelity.  Powerful stuff.  He has a new site as well, so take a journey over there and see the incredible Christ-based work he and others are doing.

Okay, that’s all I got for now because I have to jet out the door.  If you come across marriage sites you really like, will you let me know?  Not everything applies to every situation, but the best we can do is glean, glean, glean.  Sometimes — more often than we probably realize — we come across nuggets of gold that radically transform our marriages.

Copyright 2010, Julie Sibert, Intimacy in Marriage Blog.

3 thoughts on “Miscellaneous Sexy Stuff

  1. Kate Aldrich says:

    Love all that I am reading here! I like your honesty and willingness to talk openly about sexual intimacy issues taht most shy away from! I have refered many people who have contacted us through our blog to your articles, when they fit! Thanks for all that you do! Kate

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