Will This Be The Year Sex in Your Marriage Gets Better?


better-sex-in-2020I absolutely and unabashedly LOVE the start of a new year. Love. It!

A new year arrives like a Labroador puppy, giddy with delight to give us EVERYTHING — all the feels, all the possibilities, all the hope and optimism.

And let me tell you, the last half of my 2019 SUCKED. Like so bad.

The past week alone has been brutal, not because of anything horrendous in my own marriage or with my kids, thank God. But still. I would elaborate, but it wouldn’t be fair to those involved. Let’s just say it has included some of the hardest experiences and leave it at that.

So as 2020 scampered on the scene, I was in full embrace mode of YES! FINALLY, a new year. FINALLY, a fresh start.

I am not even remotely interested in looking back. I just want to look forward. I have crazy goals, you guys! CRAZY. Crazy good, if you ask me.

I’m wondering about you. Many of you reading this right now have faithfully journeyed with me all these years. Some of you are new on the scene. What matters is you’re here, searching for ways to make sexual intimacy in your marriage healthier, more authentic, better in the days and weeks ahead.

So let’s embrace the obnoxious Labroador puppy in all of us. If it feels especially taxing to harness that level of optimism right now, then at the minimum be the pup in the litter who is timid but still gazes at the hope around him with a willing heart.

Will this be the year sex in your marriage gets better?

It’s a new year, friends. A new year. It’s 2020, so let’s improve our vision. Take some baby steps (or bold huge steps) to making your marriage healthier, including the sexual connection in your marriage.

P.S. One of my CRAZY goals is to blog EVERY DAY this year. So on that note, I will see you back here tomorrow. Good things are coming…

For more reading, cruise through my list of past posts. as well as my page with a bunch of posts on orgasm.

Oh and I have a 5 video series available on building better sex in your marriage. Great way to invest in your marriage!  You can find out all about it at this link:  Better Sex in Your Christian Marriage.

Copyright 2020, Julie Sibert. Intimacy in Marriage Blog. Links may be monetized.

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1 thoughts on “Will This Be The Year Sex in Your Marriage Gets Better?

  1. Anonymous says:

    My goal for 2020 is learning to be content with my sex life. Since I cannot change her and have tried many things in the past 8 years, I have decided to work on being contented in my circumstances. I view my sex life as similar to Apostle Paul’s “thorn in the flesh”. I have asked for help with improving my sex life and since it has not improved, I learning to accept God’s answer.

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