My babies were both over 8 pounds when they were born.
I recall what it felt like in those first few moments, days and weeks to cuddle and hold those chunky little guys.
So it is beyond me to imagine what it must feel like as a parent to have your child born extremely premature (a micro preemie!) and be no bigger than the palm of your hand. Not to mention, even holding such a tiny baby isn’t even possible for most parents in those initial moments, days and weeks.
What isn’t beyond my imagination is what it means to rally around someone in that situation.
My friends and fellow marriage advocates Debi and Tom have a daughter named Heather. She and her husband Matt recently welcomed their first baby—a boy named Elias. He must be a real go-getter, because he stormed on to the scene way early at 1 pound 6.6 ounces. That is tiny, you guys. Soooo tiny.
He’s a fighter, though, and each day is getting stronger.
So I am humbly asking that if you can, let’s rally around this young couple and little Elias. Little acts of kindness and having skin in the game can be profoundly encouraging to someone in the scariest situation they’ve ever faced.
If you feel you can, please give something to their GoFundMe account. You can find Elias’ story and the opportunity to give at this link or by clicking on Elias’ photo above.
Let’s rally! Even small amounts add up! Little Elias is a small guy who God is going to use to do BIG things!
Copyright 2020, Julie Sibert. Intimacy in Marriage Blog. Links may be monetized.
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Words can’t express how grateful I am for your love and care for our daughter and precious grandson. Thank you!
May the God Who created this precious little one
hold baby Elias, his family, his medical team
and all who care about him
close in His Most Sacred Heart.
May the desires of God’s Heart for this baby be fulfilled.
May holy Elias, for whom this child is named,
take him under his wing, even as he did Elisha
that the Good God might work powerfully through him
and fulfill the mission of his life.
In the Name of the Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,