Do You Want to Change Your Poor Attitude About Sex?


attitude-about-sex-in-marriageChanging engrained attitudes is hard work. Generally speaking, we don’t like to do it. 

We don’t crave getting all introspective and pulling up a chair to attitudes that have been downright damaging to our marriage.

But alas, when we say those marriage vows, that is what we signed up for. We signed up for pulling up the chair and having a heart-to-heart with ourselves.

So it is with that backdrop that I humbly ask, “Do you want to change your poor attitude about sex?”

I totally get that me asking the question is monumentally easier than you actually examining it, sitting with it and then doing something about it. I’m guessing if you are here reading this right now, it’s because that headline caught your attention.

If you have a poor attitude about sexual intimacy in marriage, I do hope you are ready to get to the root of that. To understand it. To unpack it. To heal it. To feel better equipped going forward.

Anyone who has been married more than about a day knows that sexual intimacy has the potential to enrich a marriage or weaken it. But we are the ones who actually give it that potential—with our attitudes and actions. We determine what sex is going to become in our relationship.

And yes, I know that one spouse alone cannot determine what sex will become in a relationship. But it also is true that one spouse’s attitude and actions sometimes can have phenomenal influence on the other spouse. One spouse improving their attitude can help the two spouses inch closer together.

All you can do is control you. If you have had a poor attitude about sex, you can change that. I never said it would be easy, but I totally believe it is possible. Do you want to change your poor attitude about sex?

It’s a good start. 

For more reading, you can cruise through my list of past posts, as well as my page with a bunch of posts on orgasm.

Copyright 2020, Julie Sibert. Intimacy in Marriage Blog. Links may be monetized.

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1 thoughts on “Do You Want to Change Your Poor Attitude About Sex?

  1. Running Deeper says:

    All you can do is control you… Amen Julie.

    Before covid I came to the realisation that I had allowed our sex life to simply slide. We had a great marriage (still have!! 😀) but we let the demands of ministry take priority. Covid forced me to take stock and I am so grateful I did! Even more grateful my wife was very willing to as well.

    Consequently things have changed dramatically and we now have a wonderful sex life.

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