***UPDATE*** I did draw three winners from the comments submitted on May 5. One hasn’t responded to my email, though, so I may draw another one soon if I don’t hear from her. CONGRATS to “Eric” and “Eric (#2)”, who received their audio books!
The sex book I co-authored continues to gain momentum, which tells me that it is positively impacting sexual intimacy in marriages.
That’s good news!
Really, it’s fabulous news, because I am dedicated to helping couples nurture and (in some cases) heal this aspect of their marriage.
What some of you may not know is that the book is available in an Audio version as well.
Through the site www.Audible.com, I will be giving away a few audio copies of the book on May 5.
All you have to do to be entered into the random drawing for one of those free copies is comment on this post by completing this statement…
“Julie, when it comes to sex, what I would really like to see you write more about on your blog is…”
Yes, that’s all you need to do!
Comment on this post by completing that statement by 9 pm CENTRAL time May 5. You will then be entered into the drawing for the free copies I’m giving away.
I will randomly choose from all the comments submitted.
Important: If you want to remain anonymous on the comments, you can make up a name when you enter your comment, BUT you need to include a REAL email address (which will not be published).
I simply need to know how to get ahold of you if I randomly draw your comment as a recipient of one of the audio books.
So please share this post, get the word out and SCROLL DOWN to comment below. I moderate my comments, so if you don’t see yours right away, don’t worry. I just need to go in and hit approve.
“Julie, when it comes to sex, what I would really like to see you write more about on your blog is…”
Copyright 2014, Julie Sibert. Intimacy in Marriage Blog.
Julie, when it comes to sex, what I would really like to see you write more about on your blog is… how men really feel when their wife isn’t there for them sexually — which also means emotionally. It destroys the husband from the inside out. Discounting the importance of sex for the husband can be just as bad, if not worse, than cheating on him.
“Julie, when it comes to sex, what I would really like to see you write more about on your blog is…how to restart communication when a long period of drifting apart has resulted in a complete lack of intimacy.”
Julie, when it comes to sex, what I would really like to see you write more about on your blog is…how a husband’s natural instinct to notice, be aroused by, and fantasize about other women can minimize a wife’s ability to be fully present in the bedroom and feel safe and cherished.
Julie, when it comes to sex, what I would really like to see you write more about on your blog is how a husband can get his wife to talk about the lack of sex in their marriage and to help her understand that sex is an integral part of marriage, not just some animalistic release for the husband.
Julie, when it comes to sex, what I would really like to see you write more about on your blog is…how to overcome fears relating to sex. For instance, fear of rejection if I were to initiate sex, fear of embarrassment, etc
how to get my wife to be willing to have sex with me
I would love to see information on sex during pregnancy. We’ve had a really hard time.
I love your blog and would love to read “listen” to your book!
Julie, when it comes to sex, what I would really like to see you write more about on your blog is practical ways to reach out to women in the church who are struggling. This is not something that the women’s ministry at our church talks about at all and healthy sexual intimacy is something that I am very passionate about. I know that every church is different, and the responses to this topic vary, but I wonder if anywhere there has been an effective women’s ministry in this area and what would that look like?
Julie, when it cones to sex, what I would really like to see you to write more about on your blog is dealing with E.D.
Thank You, Julie!
You are a blessing to all of us!
Julie, when it comes to sex, what I would really like to see you write more about on your blog is…how feeling connected spiritually to God should not interfere with being able to have enjoyable, wild sex with your man.
Julie, when it comes to sex, what I would really like to see you write more about on your blog is…how I can last longer for my wife.
Julie, when it comes to sex, what I would really like to see you write more about on your blog is… what to do when the spirit is willing and desirous of making love but the flesh just isn’t getting aroused.
Julie, when it comes to sex, what I would really like to see you write more about on your blog is…practical ways to be intentional every night.
Julie, when it comes to sex, what I would really like to see you write more about on your blog is how non sexual touching is important and leads to better sex.
Julie, when it comes to sex, what I would really like to see you write more about on your blog is: How can the Church prevent the problem of sexual refusal and aid those already trapped in it?
Repairing intimacy after years of hurt and rejection.
…is “how to keep things interesting in the bedroom. I find it difficult to come up with creative and different ways to enjoy sex. I feel like ‘dont fix what’s not broken’ but I don’t want my husband to get bored with the same routine, and I don’t want to miss an oportunity to try new things and keep it interesting, either.” Thank you for all you do.
what I would really like to see you write more about on your blog is…Understanding female orgasm and the timing for mutual pleasurable sexual intimacy.
Thanks so much!
R & JL May
What God Has Joined Ministries
I would love to see you write more about how to overcome shyness when talking to your husband about sexual likes/dislikes.
Julie, when it comes to sex, what I would really like to see you write more about on your blog is…”
What to do when a wife does NOT follow any of your advice, ignores it, and is insulted when her husband sends her one or many of the posts that would speak to her heart.
After all, you hear enough from husbands to know our pain.
How to increase your desire in a crazy life filled with kids and schedules, especially when u r not in the mood!
Julie, when it comes to sex, what I would really like to see you write more about on your blog is…
How a woman can stop imagining things/ fantasising just so she can also experience an orgasm.
Dear Julie,
We had 32 years of horrible, monthly “cadaver” sex (my wife was badly, badly abused at 13). We FINALLY sought a Schnarchian sex-therapist . It took seven months of incredibly difficult work. BUT, we now have the marriage of our dreams. We have deeply connecting sex that we’re pretty sure nobody else around us has. Hot, hot, hot. Our marriage is like nothing we have seen in our peers or anywhere else. So close, so sweet, so strong. And, did I mention the sex?
In addition to our wonderful sex-therapist (who I would love to mention, we love her so much!), we got real help (via her) for hormonal issues with both of us. Most doctors (as well as the public) have very incomplete or very out-of-date knowledge. There are many things that can be done for the man before supplementing T. There are many things that can be done for the woman before giving up. If anyone is interested, I can point to the actual Dr. in San Diego. He is very famous (for good reason)
Thank you for your wonderful work in this area. My dear, dear wife and I are enjoying such an amazing and renewed and refreshed love-affair together.
It can be and become just that wonderful.
Julie, when it comes to sex, what I would really like to see you write more about on your blog is… how to let our wives know that the refusal of intimacy is hurting our self esteem, our self validation, and month after month, is slowly pushing us to look for other ways to satisfy our most basic needs of intimacy, at least in our minds. For the ones that steadily stay on to the promise of “forsake all others..” it is a very path to follow, and it is painful. For, at that point, we have been forsaken. Thanks again for all you do.
Julie, when it comes to sex, what I would really like to see you write more about on your blog is what spouses can do, to overcome the sexual comparison and temptation to be unfaithful that Inevitably arises, when one or both spouses are coming into marriage with a sexual history where previous sexual partners where so good at sex, and one’s current spouse doesn’t just perform at same level.
Julie, when it comes to sex, what I would really like to see you write more about on your blog is…how to get the confidence to try something new after years and years of gatekeepong seems to have ended.
is… It isn’t about just having MORE sex for guys. (at least some of us) More adventure, more energy, more variety can be fine if there is lower frequency and be OK. Quality trumps Quantity at times. A lot of the same sometimes is just as discouraging as little to nothing.
I would like see more on your blog about keeping the flame going when life happens, you’re tired, feeling bored, just can’t seem to get the groove back.
I could benefit from a book that addresses the fallout from sex outside of marriage, in particular as it relates to a betrayed spouse. How to reclaim your sex life and not be haunted by images of the other women. Thank you.
Would like to see more about how I can be closer physically with my husband. I just have no drive, and we don’t seem to connect anymore.
Julie, when it comes to sex, what I would really like to see you write more about on your blog is…practical ways to break out of a sexual rut. We seem to always follow the same 1, 2, 3 routine, which works, but can sometimes be a little boring. Also, how to suggest something new without hurting feelings
Julie, when it comes to sex, what I would really like to see you write more about on your blog is…how to reach orgasm simultaneously.
More about why size doesnt matter
Julie, when it comes to sex, what I would really like to see you write more about on your blog is… how to get wives to change the behavior of constant refusal and return to a normal sex life.
I am a hubby with a dear wife who is often ticklish in certain areas. What would you suggest to help in this regard. Thanks for your ministry. It is appreciated.