Sexy Posts — Things I’ve Read That I Think You’ll Like Too

I’m humbly blessed to know some great bloggers.

And they write amazing stuff on sex and marriage.

I know this should go without saying, but those of us who do this marriage blogging thing do it because we’ve been in the trenches of marriage (and are still journeying) — and we desperately want to encourage other married folks.

(I know.  You’re shocked.  You thought we all were in it for the money.  If only you knew how little money a blog can make. And how much it can cost. But I digress).

Anyway, below are three things I’ve read in the past few days that spoke volumes to me:

Our Messy History by Paul and Lori Byerly.  I’ve been grateful for the Byerlys for quite some time now, and honestly, what I most appreciate about them is they are real — they are real about their own story, their struggles, their ups and downs.  They speak hope into broken places — they are relentlessly committed to helping marriages.  I so admire that.

Sex is the Glue by Kate Aldrich at One Flesh Marriage.  “Sex is the glue” is a phrase often used in Christian circles, to the point that I have grown weary of it at times (even though I agree completely with the statement).  All that being said, I don’t think I have ever seen someone peel back the layers on that phrase as effectively as Kate does in this post.  There are “a-ha” moments in this post that I have no doubt will resonate within your own marriage.

Why Pose for Porn? by Mrs. Hot Holy Humorous. This gal has such good writing chops that I feel like a complete novice in her presence.   The reason this post struck me to the core is because one of my regular speaking gigs is talking to teenagers about abstinence — and one of the things I always include is that as women, we have a natural desire to feel beautiful.   Mrs. Hot Holy Humorous looks closely at how the Enemy capitalizes on this God-given desire and skews it within women. The post offers so many other great points as well, but this was the point that so deeply touched me.   Mrs. Hot Holy Humorous and I are both deeply grieved by the way so many women have lost sight of who they are in God’s eyes.

Please take the time to read these posts.  Your week — and hopefully your marriage — will be richer for it.

I love blogging about sex.  But I love it even more that I don’t blog alone.

Copyright 2011, Julie Sibert. Intimacy in Marriage Blog.

4 thoughts on “Sexy Posts — Things I’ve Read That I Think You’ll Like Too

  1. Matthew says:

    Excellent links, thanks! (I’m heading over to read the 1 new-to-me one right now.)

    Part of the reason that I so enjoy reading marriage and sex blogs is because it lets my wife and I know that we’re not alone. So thanks for being there and sharing with us!

  2. J (Hot, Holy & Humorous) says:

    I loved the Marriage Bed and One Flesh Marriage sites too. The Byerlys and Aldriches do a great job of speaking to marriages and our common struggles. Thanks for the mention here! I was happy to link to your wonderful post (Letter to Pornographers) on the same subject.

    Love your blog! I know you’re not in it for the money, but I’m recommending you to the board for a bonus! 😉

  3. Nikki says:

    Hello, my name is Nikki and I am currently doing a study on the PREDICTORS OF A SUCCESSFUL MARRIAGE. I am looking for married individuals to complete a short, one-page survey. I would GREATLY appreciate if you could take a few minutes out of your day to complete this survey. Thank you very much for your time!

    *To complete this SHORT, ANONYMOUS SURVEY, please follow the link below

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