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First thing’s first.  Be sure to add jksibert@cox.net to your safe sender list.


If you don’t, you probably won’t get the newsletter because… well, because I write about sex.

And even though I’m writing from an appropriately Christian viewpoint, spam filters just don’t like the word sex.

Oh, and I don’t send the newsletter on a super regular basis.  Not because I don’t want to (trust me, I dream of being that person someday!)

But more so because I have all these other things going on, like being a wife, raising kids, taking care of an elderly parent and so forth!

Just keeping it real!  I am passionate about encouraging marriages, but I follow that passion amidst my first priorities of being a Mrs. and being a mama.

Thanks for coming along with me on this journey of better sexual intimacy in marriage!


If you want to find out more about me, you can do that here.

If you want to check out my blog, you can do that here.

And if you want to find out about the eBook I co-authored, you can go to Pursuit of Passion: Discovering True Intimacy in Your Marriage.

11 thoughts on “Awesome!

  1. Julius says:

    Thank you very much. I look forward to receiving your newsletters as my fiancee and I prepare for our wedding.

    The LORD Jesus bless you.

  2. Ron says:

    I ran across your website and was very impressed by your faith in God’s plan for married couples and in your insight into the thoughts and feelings of couples. I can relate to many of the points raised in your articles and in the comments readers have submitted and am anxious to use what I’m learning to improve our marriage of 53 years and the intimacy in our relationship.

  3. Jen says:

    My husband and I recently got married 3 months ago. We have been together for 6 years. The first 2 – 3 yrs of our relationship was amazing, very frequent, mind blowing, wonderful sexual intimacy between us. We had issues over the years with alcohol/drugs, job losses, depression, kids, exhusband, etc. Over the last year our sexual contact has gotten to the point where it is very rare. Once a month or two. It is quick and there is no longer an effort to satisfy my needs. We did find out that he has low testosterone but he has been on medication for months already and it is just getting worse. He loves me I know and he shows me a lot of affection in other ways, cuddling, back rubs, working hard for our family so I feel selfish for making this such a big issue in our relationship, but honestly it is huge. I have a very high sex drive especially with him and it now feels more like a roommate friendship rather than a marriage. I feel that he just has no desire for me and just does not find me attractive at all anymore. It is all I can think about and it is all consuming me. It is killing my self esteem and making me feel so distant from the one person I always felt so very close and passionate with. It is just so sad to me. I am afraid to touch him anymore fearing rejection or making him feel bad or hurt his feelings for not being able to perform. Since our marriage tho, first we didn’t have sex until 9 days after the wedding and at first it was just a blow job because I started my period 5 days after the wedding. Then we had sex once about a week or two later where he maybe touched me once or twice and then I tried to make it great making love however it only lasted about 5-7 min. Since then we have had set twice where he did not touch me in any way and it lasted a couple of minutes with his apologies. We have talked about things often and I have offered many suggestions, one being that if he can’t get things going on his end that if he would at least try to touch me a little and do something once In a while to attempt to pleasure me (which was so important him before and he was the king of before) and I don’t remember the last time he has given me an orgasm (probably 5 months) or for him even touching me in a sexual way. I am so lonely and sad and just feel ugly and unwanted and undesirable. I have tried everything to I can think of and feel it is up to him now and I am afraid that things are just going to continue to get worse. I do not in any way want to be unfaithful (although I was very unfaithful in my past relationships frequently), I would never want to cheat on him or be unfaithful in our marriage in any way. I don’t know tho how much longer I can bear this. Please help!

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