Need a speaker for your women’s group, Bible study or conference?
Good news! I love speaking with women about marital sexual intimacy.
I don’t show up with a PowerPoint or anything fancy like that. I show up with my heart, my experience from talking with other women, and a commitment to encourage and shed light. (Much better than a PowerPoint if you ask me).
I am passionate about generating authentic dialogue on this sensitive topic. Let’s face it… there are not a lot of Christian speakers available on this issue. Yet many marriages do struggle, so the need is out there. Big time.
Christian women are hungry for another wife to speak hope and encouragement into those struggles. They want to hear from someone who can empathize and who values the sacredness of marriage. They want someone who will address the questions rumbling around in their hearts, as well as direct them to helpful resources.
Here are some options:
Speaking to Your Group
Do you have a women’s Bible study, MOPS group or other regular gathering where you appreciate guest speakers? I am a perfect fit for this. The women in your group will be grateful for a speaker addressing sexual intimacy.
Speaking at Your Conference
There are great Christian conferences that cater to women. Many of these include main session speakers, as well as break-out session leaders. I am comfortable regardless the size of your group.
Speaking at a Customized Gathering
Maybe you just want to gather 10-12 of your friends at your home. A home setting gives us a lot of flexibility. Plus, it gives you an opportunity to invite women who value authentic and honoring discussion on this topic, but possibly don’t go to your church or are not in your Bible study. You could invite your neighbors, your friends, women you know from your children’s school and so on.
You can rest assured I go to great lengths to help people feel comfortable.
I don’t insist that anyone comment, share about their situation or answer questions. Interestingly, though, I find that many women, once in a safe setting, are grateful for the opportunity to share from their hearts. The are relieved to find out they are not alone.
Do you want to know more?
Fantastic! Please contact me directly at or (402) 981-4339. I can answer any questions you may have about format, pricing and availability in my schedule. I look forward to talking with you!